Emergent Mind

Learning Network Representations with Disentangled Graph Auto-Encoder

Published Feb 2, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


The (variational) graph auto-encoder is extensively employed for learning representations of graph-structured data. However, the formation of real-world graphs is a complex and heterogeneous process influenced by latent factors. Existing encoders are fundamentally holistic, neglecting the entanglement of latent factors. This not only makes graph analysis tasks less effective but also makes it harder to understand and explain the representations. Learning disentangled graph representations with (variational) graph auto-encoder poses significant challenges, and remains largely unexplored in the existing literature. In this article, we introduce the Disentangled Graph Auto-Encoder (DGA) and Disentangled Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (DVGA), approaches that leverage generative models to learn disentangled representations. Specifically, we first design a disentangled graph convolutional network with multi-channel message-passing layers, as the encoder aggregating information related to each disentangled latent factor. Subsequently, a component-wise flow is applied to each channel to enhance the expressive capabilities of disentangled variational graph auto-encoder. Additionally, we design a factor-wise decoder, considering the characteristics of disentangled representations. In order to further enhance the independence among representations, we introduce independence constraints on mapping channels for different latent factors. Empirical experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets show the superiority of our proposed method compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.

DVGA framework for learning disentangled node representations using dynamic disentangled encoder and joint optimization.


  • The paper introduces the Disentangled Graph Auto-Encoder (DGA) and Disentangled Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (DVGA), which improve the interpretability and performance of graph auto-encoders by learning disentangled node representations.

  • The proposed models use a Disentangled Graph Convolutional Network (DGCN) and component-wise normalizing flows to enhance the expressivity of latent representations, factoring in multiple independent components that correspond to various latent factors influencing graph formation.

  • Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets such as Cora, CiteSeer, and PubMed show that DGA and DVGA outperform existing state-of-the-art methods in link prediction, node clustering, and semi-supervised node classification, with notable improvements in accuracy and performance metrics.

Learning Disentangled Graph Representations with Variational Graph Auto-Encoder

The paper, "Learning Network Representations with Disentangled Graph Auto-Encoder," introduces the Disentangled Graph Auto-Encoder (DGA) and Disentangled Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (DVGA), pioneering approaches designed to enhance the interpretability and performance of (variational) graph auto-encoders by addressing the inherent complexity and heterogeneity in graph-structured data. This research offers significant contributions to the realm of graph representation learning by focusing on disentangled representations, which have seen limited exploration within the context of graph auto-encoders.

Introduction and Motivation

Graph-structured data is ubiquitous, found in various domains such as social networks, biological networks, and citation networks. The intricate nature of these networks is driven by multiple latent factors, which traditional graph auto-encoders fail to disentangle. Consequently, these models often yield holistic and entangled representations, limiting their effectiveness in graph analytical tasks such as link prediction, node clustering, and node classification.

The authors propose DGA and DVGA to specifically address this gap. By learning disentangled node representations, these models can better capture and separate the underlying factors influencing graph formation, thereby improving both interpretability and predictive performance.


Dynamic Disentangled Graph Encoder

At the core of DGA and DVGA is the Disentangled Graph Convolutional Network (DGCN), which incorporates a multi-channel message-passing mechanism. This dynamic assignment mechanism iteratively infers the contributions of different latent factors to node relationships, aggregating node features in a disentangled manner. The encoder operates by:

  1. Projecting node features into multiple subspaces.
  2. Iteratively updating node embeddings through a disentangle layer that distinguishes various latent factors.
  3. Ensuring that final node representations are composed of multiple independent components, each corresponding to a specific latent factor.

Component-wise Normalizing Flows

To enhance the expressivity of latent representations, DVGA introduces component-wise normalizing flows. These flows transform the posterior distribution into a more flexible one, enriching the capacity of each d-dimensional component to capture complex factor-related information. This addition allows the model to learn richer and more diverse node representations, crucial for handling even highly heterogeneous graphs.

Factor-wise Decoder

The authors design a novel factor-wise decoder that utilizes both individual and combined latent factors in predicting edge connections. This decoder conducts a max-pooling operation across predictions from different factors, ensuring that if any latent factor indicates a connection, the nodes will be linked in the final prediction. This approach surpasses the conventional inner product-based methods, leading to improved performance in predicting graph structures.

Independence Regularization

To further promote disentanglement, the model imposes independence constraints on the learned representations. By encouraging statistical independence between different latent factors, the model ensures that each factor captures distinct, non-overlapping information about the graph's structure.

Experiments and Results

The models are evaluated on both synthetic and real-world datasets, including prominent citation networks (Cora, CiteSeer, PubMed) and synthetic graphs with varying latent factors. The experiments focus on three key tasks: link prediction, node clustering, and semi-supervised node classification.

Link Prediction

DGA and DVGA outperform existing state-of-the-art methods on all tested datasets, highlighting their superiority in capturing the complexity of real-world graphs. For instance, DVGA achieves an AUC improvement of up to 2.1% on Cora and 4.7% on CiteSeer compared to the best-performing baselines.

Node Clustering

In node clustering, both models significantly enhance metrics such as accuracy, precision, F1-score, and normalized mutual information (NMI), surpassing traditional GAE/VGAE methods. DVGA, in particular, shows a 49.4% accuracy improvement over the best baseline on CiteSeer.

Semi-supervised Node Classification

Although not specifically designed for this task, the models achieve competitive results in node classification, with DVGA demonstrating superior performance on Cora and PubMed, and comparable results on CiteSeer.

Qualitative Analysis and Hyperparameter Sensitivity

The authors also conduct qualitative analyses to demonstrate the effectiveness of their models in learning disentangled representations. The correlation of latent features indicates distinct, non-overlapping blocks, and t-SNE visualizations confirm the improved intraclass similarity and interclass separation.

Comprehensive ablation studies and sensitivity analyses highlight the importance of each model component. Specifically, dynamic disentanglement and independence regularization are crucial for achieving the best performance.

Conclusion and Future Directions

The paper presents a robust framework for learning disentangled graph representations using generative models. The proposed DGA and DVGA significantly advance the state of the art in graph-based learning tasks, providing interpretable and effective representations.

Future work may explore extending these models to various other applications, leveraging their robustness and interpretability to tackle new challenges in AI and network analysis. The continued enhancement of these methods could lead to even more sophisticated models capable of addressing the complexities inherent in real-world graph data.

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