Emergent Mind

Unconditional Latent Diffusion Models Memorize Patient Imaging Data

Published Feb 1, 2024 in eess.IV , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Generative latent diffusion models hold a wide range of applications in the medical imaging domain. A noteworthy application is privacy-preserved open-data sharing by proposing synthetic data as surrogates of real patient data. Despite the promise, these models are susceptible to patient data memorization, where models generate patient data copies instead of novel synthetic samples. This undermines the whole purpose of preserving patient data and may even result in patient re-identification. Considering the importance of the problem, surprisingly it has received relatively little attention in the medical imaging community. To this end, we assess memorization in latent diffusion models for medical image synthesis. We train 2D and 3D latent diffusion models on CT, MR, and X-ray datasets for synthetic data generation. Afterwards, we examine the amount of training data memorized utilizing self-supervised models and further investigate various factors that can possibly lead to memorization by training models in different settings. We observe a surprisingly large amount of data memorization among all datasets, with up to 41.7%, 19.6%, and 32.6% of the training data memorized in CT, MRI, and X-ray datasets respectively. Further analyses reveal that increasing training data size and using data augmentation reduce memorization, while over-training enhances it. Overall, our results suggest a call for memorization-informed evaluation of synthetic data prior to open-data sharing.

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