Emergent Mind

On the Minimum Depth of Circuits with Linear Number of Wires Encoding Good Codes

Published Feb 1, 2024 in cs.CC , cs.IT , and math.IT


Let $Sd(n)$ denote the minimum number of wires of a depth-$d$ (unbounded fan-in) circuit encoding an error-correcting code $C:{0, 1}n \to {0, 1}{32n}$ with distance at least $4n$. G\'{a}l, Hansen, Kouck\'{y}, Pudl\'{a}k, and Viola [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 59(10), 2013] proved that $Sd(n) = \Thetad(\lambdad(n)\cdot n)$ for any fixed $d \ge 3$. By improving their construction and analysis, we prove $Sd(n)= O(\lambdad(n)\cdot n)$. Letting $d = \alpha(n)$, a version of the inverse Ackermann function, we obtain circuits of linear size. This depth $\alpha(n)$ is the minimum possible to within an additive constant 2; we credit the nearly-matching depth lower bound to G\'{a}l et al., since it directly follows their method (although not explicitly claimed or fully verified in that work), and is obtained by making some constants explicit in a graph-theoretic lemma of Pudl\'{a}k [Combinatorica, 14(2), 1994], extending it to super-constant depths. We also study a subclass of MDS codes $C: \mathbb{F}n \to \mathbb{F}m$ characterized by the Hamming-distance relation $\mathrm{dist}(C(x), C(y)) \ge m - \mathrm{dist}(x, y) + 1$ for any distinct $x, y \in \mathbb{F}n$. (For linear codes this is equivalent to the generator matrix being totally invertible.) We call these superconcentrator-induced codes, and we show their tight connection with superconcentrators. Specifically, we observe that any linear or nonlinear circuit encoding a superconcentrator-induced code must be a superconcentrator graph, and any superconcentrator graph can be converted to a linear circuit, over a sufficiently large field (exponential in the size of the graph), encoding a superconcentrator-induced code.

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