Emergent Mind


Language models (LMs) have become important tools in a variety of applications, from data processing to the creation of instruction-following assistants. But despite their advantages, LMs have certain idiosyncratic limitations such as the problem of strong priors', where a model learns to output typical continuations in response to certain, usually local, portions of the input regardless of any earlier instructions. For example, prompt injection attacks can induce models to ignore explicit directives. In some cases, larger models have been shown to be more susceptible to these problems than similar smaller models, an example of the phenomenon ofinverse scaling'. We develop a new technique for mitigating the problem of strong priors: we take the original set of instructions, produce a weakened version of the original prompt that is even more susceptible to the strong priors problem, and then extrapolate the continuation away from the weakened prompt. This lets us infer how the model would continue a hypothetical strengthened set of instructions. Our technique conceptualises LMs as mixture models which combine a family of data generation processes, reinforcing the desired elements of the mixture. Our approach works at inference time, removing any need for retraining. We apply it to eleven models including GPT-2, GPT-3, Llama 2, and Mistral on four tasks, and find improvements in 41/44. Across all 44 combinations the median increase in proportion of tasks completed is 40%.

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