Emergent Mind


The continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are widely adopted on Internet hosting platforms, such as GitHub. With the popularity, the CI/CD pipeline faces various security threats. However, current CI/CD pipelines suffer from malicious code and severe vulnerabilities. Even worse, people have not been fully aware of its attack surfaces and the corresponding impacts. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct a large-scale measurement and a systematic analysis to reveal the attack surfaces of the CI/CD pipeline and quantify their security impacts. Specifically, for the measurement, we collect a data set of 320,000+ CI/CD pipeline-configured GitHub repositories and build an analysis tool to parse the CI/CD pipelines and extract security-critical usages. Besides, current CI/CD ecosystem heavily relies on several core scripts, which may lead to a single point of failure. While the CI/CD pipelines contain sensitive information/operations, making them the attacker's favorite targets. Inspired by the measurement findings, we abstract the threat model and the attack approach toward CI/CD pipelines, followed by a systematic analysis of attack surfaces, attack strategies, and the corresponding impacts. We further launch case studies on five attacks in real-world CI/CD environments to validate the revealed attack surfaces. Finally, we give suggestions on mitigating attacks on CI/CD scripts, including securing CI/CD configurations, securing CI/CD scripts, and improving CI/CD infrastructure.

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