Emergent Mind

Local Feature Matching Using Deep Learning: A Survey

Published Jan 31, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Local feature matching enjoys wide-ranging applications in the realm of computer vision, encompassing domains such as image retrieval, 3D reconstruction, and object recognition. However, challenges persist in improving the accuracy and robustness of matching due to factors like viewpoint and lighting variations. In recent years, the introduction of deep learning models has sparked widespread exploration into local feature matching techniques. The objective of this endeavor is to furnish a comprehensive overview of local feature matching methods. These methods are categorized into two key segments based on the presence of detectors. The Detector-based category encompasses models inclusive of Detect-then-Describe, Joint Detection and Description, Describe-then-Detect, as well as Graph Based techniques. In contrast, the Detector-free category comprises CNN Based, Transformer Based, and Patch Based methods. Our study extends beyond methodological analysis, incorporating evaluations of prevalent datasets and metrics to facilitate a quantitative comparison of state-of-the-art techniques. The paper also explores the practical application of local feature matching in diverse domains such as Structure from Motion, Remote Sensing Image Registration, and Medical Image Registration, underscoring its versatility and significance across various fields. Ultimately, we endeavor to outline the current challenges faced in this domain and furnish future research directions, thereby serving as a reference for researchers involved in local feature matching and its interconnected domains. A comprehensive list of studies in this survey is available at https://github.com/vignywang/Awesome-Local-Feature-Matching .

Comparison of Detector-based pipelines by their detection-description relationship: Detect-then-Describe, Joint, Describe-then-Detect frameworks.


  • Local feature matching is critical in computer vision, with applications in image retrieval, 3D reconstruction, and visual localization.

  • Recent deep learning advancements are improving local feature matching through detector-based models like LIFT, SuperGlue, and R2D2, and detector-free models such as COTR and LoFTR.

  • Benchmark datasets like HPatches and Aachen Day-Night evaluate the robustness of feature matching methods, with varying performance metrics such as homography accuracy and localization.

  • Challenges in the field include optimizing attention mechanisms within GNNs for efficiency, and achieving a balance in weakly supervised learning for precise keypoints and descriptors.

  • Future research directions involve blending classical and deep learning methods, developing mismatch elimination strategies, and applying adaptive mechanisms for dynamic environments.

Deep Learning Advances in Local Feature Matching

Introduction to Local Feature Matching

Local feature matching is a cornerstone technique in the realm of computer vision, enabling numerous applications such as image retrieval, 3D reconstruction, and visual localization. A critical aspect of feature matching is identifying correspondences between different images despite variations in scale, illumination, and viewpoint. Recent research revolves around exploiting deep learning (DL) to potentiate local feature matching processes, encompassing an eclectic mix of detector-based and detector-free models.

Detector-Based vs. Detector-Free Models

Detector-based models, such as LIFT, SuperGlue, and R2D2, rely on detecting keypoints interspersed across images. They typically function through a multi-stage pipeline involving detection, description, and matching stages. Detector-free counterparts like COTR and LoFTR, however, bypass keystone detection, instead discerning denser information directly from the input images to foster matching. These two paradigms exhibit unique operational frameworks; while detector-based models concentrate on sparsely distributed keypoints, detector-free models exploit the richer context inherent within the images, facilitating end-to-end matching.

Performance on Benchmark Datasets

An array of benchmark datasets like HPatches, ScanNet, YFCC100M, MegaDepth, and Aachen Day-Night provide the playground to evaluate the robustness of local feature matching methods. Performance metrics vary, ranging from homography estimation accuracy to the percentage of correctly localized queries. For instance, LoFTR shows notable performance on the MegaDepth dataset, while SuperGlue excels in the Aachen Day-Night benchmark. Each benchmark brings its unique challenges, testing the limits of the algorithms' ability to maintain consistent performance across different imaging conditions.

Open Challenges in Local Feature Matching

Despite commendable advances, the realm of local feature matching grapples with challenges that invite further research. One such open issue is the efficiency of attention mechanisms and transformers within GNN models. The complexity of matrix operations in these architectures calls for optimization strategies that retain performance but at a reduced computational cost. Another challenge is weakly supervised learning in local feature learning. The balance between relying on less annotated data and ensuring precise keypoints and descriptors remains a delicate equilibrium to achieve.

Integrating Classical and Deep Learning Approaches

A fascinating trend is the blend of traditional handcrafted methods with deep learning innovations. This synergy is reflected in methods like HP, which integrate classical principles with state-of-the-art DL methods, maintaining essential invariants like rotation while harnessing the computational might of modern algorithms. Researchers are also exploring the use of large foundation models that generalize well across various scenes and objects, which could elevate feature matching techniques in open-world applications.

Future Research Directions

There is much promise in the continued evolution of mismatch elimination strategies, combining geometric principles with deep learning to enhance outlier rejection. Additionally, incorporating geometric information into dense matching methods suggests shifts toward models that can still perform reliably under extreme conditions. Research on foundation models like SAM and DINOv2 demonstrates the potential to guide local feature learning through rich, pre-trained semantics. Lastly, adaptive mechanisms in local feature matching present an avenue for models that adjust to different complexities in dynamic environments.


The trajectory of local feature matching is veering towards more sophisticated deep learning techniques that promise to tackle the intricacies of vision tasks in increasingly complex environments. While current methods already demonstrate remarkable prowess, there's an evident direction toward models that combine the best of both classical and modern worlds, potentially bringing about robust, adaptive, and computationally efficient feature matching solutions. The journey continues, with ample opportunities for innovation on the horizon.

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