Emergent Mind


Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that enhances the capabilities of LLMs by incorporating external knowledge sources. This method addresses common LLM limitations, including outdated information and the tendency to produce inaccurate "hallucinated" content. However, the evaluation of RAG systems is challenging, as existing benchmarks are limited in scope and diversity. Most of the current benchmarks predominantly assess question-answering applications, overlooking the broader spectrum of situations where RAG could prove advantageous. Moreover, they only evaluate the performance of the LLM component of the RAG pipeline in the experiments, and neglect the influence of the retrieval component and the external knowledge database. To address these issues, this paper constructs a large-scale and more comprehensive benchmark, and evaluates all the components of RAG systems in various RAG application scenarios. Specifically, we have categorized the range of RAG applications into four distinct types-Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD), each representing a unique use case. "Create" refers to scenarios requiring the generation of original, varied content. "Read" involves responding to intricate questions in knowledge-intensive situations. "Update" focuses on revising and rectifying inaccuracies or inconsistencies in pre-existing texts. "Delete" pertains to the task of summarizing extensive texts into more concise forms. For each of these CRUD categories, we have developed comprehensive datasets to evaluate the performance of RAG systems. We also analyze the effects of various components of the RAG system, such as the retriever, the context length, the knowledge base construction, and the LLM. Finally, we provide useful insights for optimizing the RAG technology for different scenarios.

CRUD-RAG: Chinese benchmark for RAG with evaluation tasks in create, read, update, and delete categories.


  • CRUD-RAG introduces a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems specifically in Chinese, covering diverse application scenarios beyond just question answering.

  • The benchmark includes high-quality datasets from recent Chinese news data, ensuring reliance on retrieval for tasks like text continuation, multi-document summarization, single and multi-document QA, and hallucination modification.

  • Extensive experiments analyze the impact of RAG components such as chunk size, retriever algorithms, embedding models, and fine-tuning parameters, providing insights for future optimization of RAG systems.

CRUD-RAG: A Comprehensive Chinese Benchmark for Retrieval-Augmented Generation of LLMs

Authors: Yuanjie Lyu, Zhiyu Li, Simin Niu, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang, Wenjin Wang, Hao Wu, Huanyong Liu, Tong Xu, Enhong Chen, Yi Luo, Peng Cheng, Haiying Deng, Zhonghao Wang, Zijia Lu

The paper "CRUD-RAG: A Comprehensive Chinese Benchmark for Retrieval-Augmented Generation of LLMs" explore the intricacies of evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. RAG systems are instrumental in leveraging external knowledge sources to augment the capabilities of LLMs. This paper proposes a novel framework for benchmarking RAG systems, addressing the insufficiencies of current evaluation methods that narrowly focus on question answering (QA) tasks.

Motivation and Contribution

To mitigate the limitations of current RAG systems—such as outdated information and hallucinations—the authors constructed CRUD-RAG, a benchmark that comprehensively evaluates all components of RAG systems across different application scenarios. CRUD-RAG adopts the CRUD actions (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) to categorize RAG applications and ensure a wide-ranging evaluation. This paper makes significant contributions by introducing:

  1. A Comprehensive Benchmark: CRUD-RAG is designed not only for QA but for various RAG applications categorized by CRUD actions.
  2. High-Quality Datasets: It includes diverse datasets for different evaluation tasks: text continuation, multi-document summarization, single and multi-document QA, and hallucination modification.
  3. Extensive Experiments: Performance evaluations using various metrics and insights for optimizing RAG technology.

Methodology and Dataset Construction

News Collection and Dataset Construction

The benchmark uses the latest high-quality Chinese news data to create datasets. The news data avoid the pitfalls of pre-existing LLM knowledge, ensuring that RAG systems rely on retrieval for generating responses. The datasets include over 86,834 documents, encompassing tasks across the CRUD spectrum:

  • Text Continuation (Create): Evaluates creative content generation.
  • Question Answering (Read - 1-document, 2-document, 3-document): Evaluates knowledge-intensive applications.
  • Hallucination Modification (Update): Focuses on error correction.
  • Multi-Document Summarization (Delete): Concise summarization of extensive texts.

Evaluation Metrics

To measure the effectiveness of RAG systems, this benchmark employs both traditional semantic similarity metrics (bleu, rouge-L, bertScore) and a tailored key information metric (RAGQuestEval). RAGQuestEval leverages question-answering based frameworks to evaluate the factual consistency between generated and reference texts.

Experimental Analysis

The authors extensively analyze the impact of various RAG components:

  • Chunk Size and Overlap: Optimal chunk sizes preserve text structure, crucial for creative and QA tasks. Overlapping chunks maintain semantic coherence.
  • Retriever and Embedding Models: Dense retrieval algorithms generally outperform BM25. Embedding models' performance varies by task, with some models specifically excelling in error correction.
  • Top-k Values: Increasing top-k enhances diversity and accuracy but can introduce redundancy. Task-specific tuning of top-k is essential for balance.
  • LLMs: The choice of LLM significantly affects performance. GPT-4 exhibits superior performance across tasks, though other models like Qwen-14B and Baichuan2-13B also demonstrate competitive capabilities, particularly in specific tasks.

Implications and Future Developments

The research presented in this paper provides a robust framework for evaluating and optimizing RAG systems, which hold promise for various natural language generation applications. The findings underscore the importance of context-specific tuning of RAG components. Future developments in AI can build upon these insights to enhance LLMs' capabilities in real-world applications, ensuring they generate more accurate, relevant, and coherent content.

Researchers and practitioners can leverage the CRUD-RAG benchmark to:

  • Develop more contextual and accurate generative models by refining retrieval mechanisms.
  • Explore domain-specific applications, especially where factual accuracy is paramount.
  • Enhance the robustness of RAG systems against common pitfalls like outdated information and hallucinations.

In conclusion, CRUD-RAG establishes a new standard for evaluating RAG systems, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable with the integration of retrieval and language models. The authors' work lays a foundation for future exploration and advancements in this exciting field of AI.

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