Emergent Mind


The Versal Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) is a new architecture that combines AI Engines (AIEs) with reconfigurable fabric. This architecture offers significant acceleration potential for uniform recurrences in various domains, such as deep learning, high-performance computation, and signal processing. However, efficiently mapping these computations onto the Versal ACAP architecture while achieving high utilization of AIEs poses a challenge. To address this issue, we propose a mapping scheme called \fname, which aims to accelerate uniform recurrences on the Versal ACAP architecture by leveraging the features of both the hardware and the computations. Considering the array architecture of AIEs, our approach utilizes space-time transformations based on the polyhedral model to generate legally optimized systolic array mappings. Concurrently, we have developed a routing-aware PLIO assignment algorithm tailored for communication on the AIE array, and the algorithm aims at successful compilation while maximizing array utilization. Furthermore, we introduce an automatic mapping framework. This framework is designed to generate the corresponding executable code for uniform recurrences, which encompasses the AIE kernel program, programmable logic bitstreams, and the host program. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of our mapping scheme. Specifically, when applying our scheme to matrix multiplication computations on the VCK5000 board, we achieve a throughput of 4.15TOPS on float data type, which is 1.11$\times$ higher compared to the state-of-the-art accelerator on the Versal ACAP architecture.

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