Emergent Mind

GPU Cluster Scheduling for Network-Sensitive Deep Learning

Published Jan 29, 2024 in cs.PF , cs.DC , and cs.LG


We propose a novel GPU-cluster scheduler for distributed DL (DDL) workloads that enables proximity based consolidation of GPU resources based on the DDL jobs' sensitivities to the anticipated communication-network delays. Our scheduler consists of three major components: (i) a classical delay scheduling algorithm to facilitate job placement and consolidation; (ii) a network-sensitive job preemption strategy; and (iii) an "auto-tuner" mechanism to optimize delay timers for effective delay scheduling. Additionally, to enable a cost-effective methodology for large-scale experiments, we develop a data-driven DDL cluster simulation platform. Employing the simulation platform we compare against several state-of-the-art alternatives on real-world workload traces to demonstrate the benefits of our design. Our scheduler can provide improvement of up to 69% in end-to-end Makespan for training all jobs compared to the prevailing consolidation-based scheduling methods, while reducing the average job completion time by up to 83% and minimizing the communication overheads by up to 98% under congested networking conditions.

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