Emergent Mind

Zero-shot Imitation Policy via Search in Demonstration Dataset

Published Jan 29, 2024 in cs.AI


Behavioral cloning uses a dataset of demonstrations to learn a policy. To overcome computationally expensive training procedures and address the policy adaptation problem, we propose to use latent spaces of pre-trained foundation models to index a demonstration dataset, instantly access similar relevant experiences, and copy behavior from these situations. Actions from a selected similar situation can be performed by the agent until representations of the agent's current situation and the selected experience diverge in the latent space. Thus, we formulate our control problem as a dynamic search problem over a dataset of experts' demonstrations. We test our approach on BASALT MineRL-dataset in the latent representation of a Video Pre-Training model. We compare our model to state-of-the-art, Imitation Learning-based Minecraft agents. Our approach can effectively recover meaningful demonstrations and show human-like behavior of an agent in the Minecraft environment in a wide variety of scenarios. Experimental results reveal that performance of our search-based approach clearly wins in terms of accuracy and perceptual evaluation over learning-based models.

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