Emergent Mind

Regressing Transformers for Data-efficient Visual Place Recognition

Published Jan 29, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Visual place recognition is a critical task in computer vision, especially for localization and navigation systems. Existing methods often rely on contrastive learning: image descriptors are trained to have small distance for similar images and larger distance for dissimilar ones in a latent space. However, this approach struggles to ensure accurate distance-based image similarity representation, particularly when training with binary pairwise labels, and complex re-ranking strategies are required. This work introduces a fresh perspective by framing place recognition as a regression problem, using camera field-of-view overlap as similarity ground truth for learning. By optimizing image descriptors to align directly with graded similarity labels, this approach enhances ranking capabilities without expensive re-ranking, offering data-efficient training and strong generalization across several benchmark datasets.

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