Emergent Mind

Some fast algorithms for curves in surfaces

Published Jan 29, 2024 in math.GT and cs.CG


We present some algorithms that provide useful topological information about curves in surfaces. One of the main algorithms computes the geometric intersection number of two properly embedded 1-manifolds $C1$ and $C2$ in a compact orientable surface $S$. The surface $S$ is presented via a triangulation or a handle structure, and the 1-manifolds are given in normal form via their normal coordinates. The running time is bounded above by a polynomial function of the number of triangles in the triangulation (or the number of handles in the handle structure), and the logarithm of the weight of $C1$ and $C2$. This algorithm represents an improvement over previous work, since its running time depends polynomially on the size of the triangulation of $S$ and it can deal with closed surfaces, unlike many earlier algorithms. Another algorithm, with similar bounds on its running time, can determine whether $C1$ and $C2$ are isotopic. We also present a closely related algorithm that can be used to place a standard 1-manifold into normal form.

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