Emergent Mind


Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for solving partial differential equations~(PDEs) in various scientific and engineering domains. However, traditional PINN architectures typically rely on large, fully connected multilayer perceptrons~(MLPs), lacking the sparsity and modularity inherent in many traditional numerical solvers. An unsolved and critical question for PINN is: What is the minimum PINN complexity regarding nodes, layers, and connections needed to provide acceptable performance? To address this question, this study investigates a novel approach by merging established PINN methodologies with brain-inspired neural network techniques. We use Brain-Inspired Modular Training~(BIMT), leveraging concepts such as locality, sparsity, and modularity inspired by the organization of the brain. With brain-inspired PINN, we demonstrate the evolution of PINN architectures from large, fully connected structures to bare-minimum, compact MLP architectures, often consisting of a few neural units! Moreover, using brain-inspired PINN, we showcase the spectral bias phenomenon occurring on the PINN architectures: bare-minimum architectures solving problems with high-frequency components require more neural units than PINN solving low-frequency problems. Finally, we derive basic PINN building blocks through BIMT training on simple problems akin to convolutional and attention modules in deep neural networks, enabling the construction of modular PINN architectures. Our experiments show that brain-inspired PINN training leads to PINN architectures that minimize the computing and memory resources yet provide accurate results.

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