Emergent Mind


The Fr\'echet distance is a popular distance measure for curves. Computing the Fr\'echet distance between two polygonal curves of $n$ vertices takes roughly quadratic time, and conditional lower bounds suggest that even approximating to within a factor $3$ cannot be done in strongly-subquadratic time, even in one dimension. The current best approximation algorithms present trade-offs between approximation quality and running time. Recently, van der Horst $\textit{et al.}$ (SODA, 2023) presented an $O((n2 / \alpha) \log3 n)$ time $\alpha$-approximate algorithm for curves in arbitrary dimensions, for any $\alpha \in [1, n]$. Our main contribution is an approximation algorithm for curves in one dimension, with a significantly faster running time of $O(n \log3 n + (n2 / \alpha3) \log2 n \log \log n)$. Additionally, we give an algorithm for curves in arbitrary dimensions that improves upon the state-of-the-art running time by a logarithmic factor, to $O((n2 / \alpha) \log2 n)$. Both of our algorithms rely on a linear-time simplification procedure that in one dimension reduces the complexity of the reachable free space to $O(n2 / \alpha)$ without making sacrifices in the asymptotic approximation factor.

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