Emergent Mind


This study developed a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based defense method for traffic sign classification in an autonomous vehicle (AV), referred to as the attack-resilient GAN (AR-GAN). The novelty of the AR-GAN lies in (i) assuming zero knowledge of adversarial attack models and samples and (ii) providing consistently high traffic sign classification performance under various adversarial attack types. The AR-GAN classification system consists of a generator that denoises an image by reconstruction, and a classifier that classifies the reconstructed image. The authors have tested the AR-GAN under no-attack and under various adversarial attacks, such as Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), DeepFool, Carlini and Wagner (C&W), and Projected Gradient Descent (PGD). The authors considered two forms of these attacks, i.e., (i) black-box attacks (assuming the attackers possess no prior knowledge of the classifier), and (ii) white-box attacks (assuming the attackers possess full knowledge of the classifier). The classification performance of the AR-GAN was compared with several benchmark adversarial defense methods. The results showed that both the AR-GAN and the benchmark defense methods are resilient against black-box attacks and could achieve similar classification performance to that of the unperturbed images. However, for all the white-box attacks considered in this study, the AR-GAN method outperformed the benchmark defense methods. In addition, the AR-GAN was able to maintain its high classification performance under varied white-box adversarial perturbation magnitudes, whereas the performance of the other defense methods dropped abruptly at increased perturbation magnitudes.

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