Emergent Mind

MambaByte: Token-free Selective State Space Model

Published Jan 24, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Token-free language models learn directly from raw bytes and remove the inductive bias of subword tokenization. Operating on bytes, however, results in significantly longer sequences. In this setting, standard autoregressive Transformers scale poorly as the effective memory required grows with sequence length. The recent development of the Mamba state space model (SSM) offers an appealing alternative approach with a fixed-sized memory state and efficient decoding. We propose MambaByte, a token-free adaptation of the Mamba SSM trained autoregressively on byte sequences. In terms of modeling, we show MambaByte to be competitive with, and even to outperform, state-of-the-art subword Transformers on language modeling tasks while maintaining the benefits of token-free language models, such as robustness to noise. In terms of efficiency, we develop an adaptation of speculative decoding with tokenized drafting and byte-level verification. This results in a $2.6\times$ inference speedup to the standard MambaByte implementation, showing similar decoding efficiency as the subword Mamba. These findings establish the viability of SSMs in enabling token-free language modeling.


  • MambaByte is a token-free language model that operates directly on byte sequences to address increased sequence length and computational issues in Transformer models.

  • This model is a token-free adaptation of the Mamba state space model, designed for linear-time complexity, avoiding the quadratic scaling problem.

  • Comparative studies show MambaByte outperforms leading architectures like Transformer and PerceiverAR models within the same computational budget.

  • The model achieves fast text generation by evolving a single hidden state per layer, bypassing the need to cache extensive contexts.

  • MambaByte's success indicates that token-free models are viable for future LLMs, with potential efficiency gains and improved generalizability.

Introduction to MambaByte

In the realm of language modeling, there is a paradigm shift away from subword tokenization towards token-free models that learn from raw bytes. This shift, however, poses a fundamental challenge due to the resultant increase in sequence length, which in turn puts a strain on existing model architectures like the Transformers, where attention mechanisms lead to quadratic scaling with respect to sequence length. Researchers are therefore exploring alternative architectures that can manage the computational load of such lengthy sequences while maintaining or surpassing the performance of traditional subword-based models.

MambaByte: An Efficient Token-Free Model

To address these challenges, the MambaByte model has been proposed and is notable for being a token-free adaptation of the Mamba state space model. It operates as an autoregressive language model directly on byte sequences. By leveraging the Mamba architecture which is inherently designed for linear-time complexity with sequence length, MambaByte bypasses the computational issues that hamstring Transformers at byte scale. Furthermore, MambaByte's design is simple: the existing Mamba architecture was adapted without modifications, which indicates its innate efficiency for the application of language modeling.

Empirical Evaluation

In a comparative study, the MambaByte model was tested against a suite of leading architectures, including Transformer and PerceiverAR models. This comparison was conducted under a fixed parameter and computational budget across various text datasets. The MambaByte model not only showcased better performance in a shorter time frame but also surpassed the efficiency of byte-level Transformers, thanks to its linear scaling in sequence length. It also demonstrated competitiveness with, and in certain cases, superiority over state-of-the-art subword Transformers. These findings were supported by metrics—including bits per byte (BPB)—and indicated that the token-free approach of the MambaByte model does not compromise on model performance.

Generative Capabilities and Potential Impact

Perhaps one of the most remarkable facets of MambaByte is its capability for fast text generation. Unlike Transformer models that must cache extensive contexts for autoregressive inference, the MambaByte model facilitates constant time generation steps by evolving a single hidden state per model layer through time. This characteristic not only enables speedier text generation but also makes it pragmatically feasible for utilization in practical applications.

The evidence gleaned from these experiments underscores token-free models like MambaByte as feasible alternatives to the traditional tokenizer-dependent models. Moreover, it carves a pathway towards end-to-end learning from byte sequences for future LLMs, promising potential efficiency gains and generalizability improvements across diverse textual formats.

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