Emergent Mind


It is well known that to accelerate stencil codes on CPUs or GPUs and to exploit hardware caches and their lines optimizers must find spatial and temporal locality of array accesses to harvest data-reuse opportunities. On FPGAs there is the burden that there are no built-in caches (or only pre-built hardware descriptions for cache blocks that are inefficient for stencil codes). But this paper demonstrates that this lack is also a chance as polyhedral methods can be used to generate stencil-specific cache-structures of the right sizes on the FPGA and to fill and flush them efficiently with wide bursts during stencil execution. The paper shows how to derive the appropriate directives and code restructurings from stencil codes so that the FPGA compiler generates fast stencil hardware. Switching on our optimization improves the runtime of a set of 10 stencils by between 43x and 156x.

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