Emergent Mind


Recently, optimization on the Riemannian manifold has provided new insights to the optimization community. In this regard, the manifold taken as the probability measure metric space equipped with the second-order Wasserstein distance is of particular interest, since optimization on it can be linked to practical sampling processes. In general, the oracle (continuous) optimization method on Wasserstein space is Riemannian gradient flow (i.e., Langevin dynamics when minimizing KL divergence). In this paper, we aim to enrich the continuous optimization methods in the Wasserstein space by extending the gradient flow into the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) flow and stochastic variance reduction gradient (SVRG) flow. The two flows on Euclidean space are standard stochastic optimization methods, while their Riemannian counterparts are not explored yet. By leveraging the structures in Wasserstein space, we construct a stochastic differential equation (SDE) to approximate the discrete dynamics of desired stochastic methods in the corresponded random vector space. Then, the flows of probability measures are naturally obtained by applying Fokker-Planck equation to such SDE. Furthermore, the convergence rates of the proposed Riemannian stochastic flows are proven, and they match the results in Euclidean space.

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