Emergent Mind

AMANet: Advancing SAR Ship Detection with Adaptive Multi-Hierarchical Attention Network

Published Jan 24, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Recently, methods based on deep learning have been successfully applied to ship detection for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Despite the development of numerous ship detection methodologies, detecting small and coastal ships remains a significant challenge due to the limited features and clutter in coastal environments. For that, a novel adaptive multi-hierarchical attention module (AMAM) is proposed to learn multi-scale features and adaptively aggregate salient features from various feature layers, even in complex environments. Specifically, we first fuse information from adjacent feature layers to enhance the detection of smaller targets, thereby achieving multi-scale feature enhancement. Then, to filter out the adverse effects of complex backgrounds, we dissect the previously fused multi-level features on the channel, individually excavate the salient regions, and adaptively amalgamate features originating from different channels. Thirdly, we present a novel adaptive multi-hierarchical attention network (AMANet) by embedding the AMAM between the backbone network and the feature pyramid network (FPN). Besides, the AMAM can be readily inserted between different frameworks to improve object detection. Lastly, extensive experiments on two large-scale SAR ship detection datasets demonstrate that our AMANet method is superior to state-of-the-art methods.

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