Emergent Mind

On the Efficacy of Text-Based Input Modalities for Action Anticipation

Published Jan 23, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.LG , and eess.IV


Although the task of anticipating future actions is highly uncertain, information from additional modalities help to narrow down plausible action choices. Each modality provides different environmental context for the model to learn from. While previous multi-modal methods leverage information from modalities such as video and audio, we primarily explore how text inputs for actions and objects can also enable more accurate action anticipation. Therefore, we propose a Multi-modal Anticipative Transformer (MAT), an attention-based video transformer architecture that jointly learns from multi-modal features and text captions. We train our model in two-stages, where the model first learns to predict actions in the video clip by aligning with captions, and during the second stage, we fine-tune the model to predict future actions. Compared to existing methods, MAT has the advantage of learning additional environmental context from two kinds of text inputs: action descriptions during the pre-training stage, and the text inputs for detected objects and actions during modality feature fusion. Through extensive experiments, we evaluate the effectiveness of the pre-training stage, and show that our model outperforms previous methods on all datasets. In addition, we examine the impact of object and action information obtained via text and perform extensive ablations. We evaluate the performance on on three datasets: EpicKitchens-100, EpicKitchens-55 and EGTEA GAZE+; and show that text descriptions do indeed aid in more effective action anticipation.

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