Emergent Mind

Reward-Relevance-Filtered Linear Offline Reinforcement Learning

Published Jan 23, 2024 in stat.ML , cs.LG , and math.OC


This paper studies offline reinforcement learning with linear function approximation in a setting with decision-theoretic, but not estimation sparsity. The structural restrictions of the data-generating process presume that the transitions factor into a sparse component that affects the reward and could affect additional exogenous dynamics that do not affect the reward. Although the minimally sufficient adjustment set for estimation of full-state transition properties depends on the whole state, the optimal policy and therefore state-action value function depends only on the sparse component: we call this causal/decision-theoretic sparsity. We develop a method for reward-filtering the estimation of the state-action value function to the sparse component by a modification of thresholded lasso in least-squares policy evaluation. We provide theoretical guarantees for our reward-filtered linear fitted-Q-iteration, with sample complexity depending only on the size of the sparse component.

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