Emergent Mind


Recent studies reveal that the remarkable performance of Vision transformers (ViTs) benefits from large receptive fields. For this reason, the large convolutional kernel design becomes an ideal solution to make Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) great again. However, the typical large convolutional kernels turn out to be hardware-unfriendly operators, resulting in discount compatibility of various hardware platforms. Thus, it is unwise to simply enlarge the convolutional kernel size. In this paper, we reveal that small convolutional kernels and convolution operations can achieve the closing effects of large kernel sizes. Then, we propose a shift-wise operator that ensures the CNNs capture long-range dependencies with the help of the sparse mechanism, while remaining hardware-friendly. Experimental results show that our shift-wise operator significantly improves the accuracy of a regular CNN while markedly reducing computational requirements. On the ImageNet-1k, our shift-wise enhanced CNN model outperforms the state-of-the-art models. Code & models at https://github.com/lidc54/shift-wiseConv.

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