Emergent Mind

UR4NNV: Neural Network Verification, Under-approximation Reachability Works!

Published Jan 23, 2024 in cs.AI and cs.LG


Recently, formal verification of deep neural networks (DNNs) has garnered considerable attention, and over-approximation based methods have become popular due to their effectiveness and efficiency. However, these strategies face challenges in addressing the "unknown dilemma" concerning whether the exact output region or the introduced approximation error violates the property in question. To address this, this paper introduces the UR4NNV verification framework, which utilizes under-approximation reachability analysis for DNN verification for the first time. UR4NNV focuses on DNNs with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activations and employs a binary tree branch-based under-approximation algorithm. In each epoch, UR4NNV under-approximates a sub-polytope of the reachable set and verifies this polytope against the given property. Through a trial-and-error approach, UR4NNV effectively falsifies DNN properties while providing confidence levels when reaching verification epoch bounds and failing falsifying properties. Experimental comparisons with existing verification methods demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of UR4NNV, significantly reducing the impact of the "unknown dilemma".

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