Emergent Mind

Open-Set Facial Expression Recognition

Published Jan 23, 2024 in cs.CV


Facial expression recognition (FER) models are typically trained on datasets with a fixed number of seven basic classes. However, recent research works point out that there are far more expressions than the basic ones. Thus, when these models are deployed in the real world, they may encounter unknown classes, such as compound expressions that cannot be classified into existing basic classes. To address this issue, we propose the open-set FER task for the first time. Though there are many existing open-set recognition methods, we argue that they do not work well for open-set FER because FER data are all human faces with very small inter-class distances, which makes the open-set samples very similar to close-set samples. In this paper, we are the first to transform the disadvantage of small inter-class distance into an advantage by proposing a new way for open-set FER. Specifically, we find that small inter-class distance allows for sparsely distributed pseudo labels of open-set samples, which can be viewed as symmetric noisy labels. Based on this novel observation, we convert the open-set FER to a noisy label detection problem. We further propose a novel method that incorporates attention map consistency and cycle training to detect the open-set samples. Extensive experiments on various FER datasets demonstrate that our method clearly outperforms state-of-the-art open-set recognition methods by large margins. Code is available at https://github.com/zyh-uaiaaaa.

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