Emergent Mind


This paper introduces a novel self-supervised learning framework for enhancing 3D perception in autonomous driving scenes. Specifically, our approach, named NCLR, focuses on 2D-3D neural calibration, a novel pretext task that estimates the rigid transformation aligning camera and LiDAR coordinate systems. First, we propose the learnable transformation alignment to bridge the domain gap between image and point cloud data, converting features into a unified representation space for effective comparison and matching. Second, we identify the overlapping area between the image and point cloud with the fused features. Third, we establish dense 2D-3D correspondences to estimate the rigid transformation. The framework not only learns fine-grained matching from points to pixels but also achieves alignment of the image and point cloud at a holistic level, understanding their relative pose. We demonstrate NCLR's efficacy by applying the pre-trained backbone to downstream tasks, such as LiDAR-based 3D semantic segmentation, object detection, and panoptic segmentation. Comprehensive experiments on various datasets illustrate the superiority of NCLR over existing self-supervised methods. The results confirm that joint learning from different modalities significantly enhances the network's understanding abilities and effectiveness of learned representation. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/Eaphan/NCLR}.

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