Emergent Mind

Program Decomposition and Translation with Static Analysis

Published Jan 22, 2024 in cs.SE


The rising popularity of LLMs has motivated exploring their use in code-related tasks. Code LLMs with more than millions of parameters are trained on a massive amount of code in different Programming Languages (PLs). Such models are used for automating various Software Engineering (SE) tasks using prompt engineering. However, given the very large size of industry-scale project files, a major issue of these LLMs is their limited context window size, motivating the question of "Can these LLMs process very large files and can we effectively perform prompt engineering?". Code translation aims to convert source code from one PL to another. In this work, we assess the effect of method-level program decomposition on context window of LLMs and investigate how this approach can enable translation of very large files which originally could not be done due to out-of-context issue. Our observations from 20 well-known java projects and approximately 60K methods suggest that method-level program decomposition significantly improves the limited context window problem of LLMs by 99.5%. Furthermore, our empirical analysis indicate that with method-level decomposition, each input fragment on average only consumes 5% of the context window, leaving more context space for prompt engineering and the output. Finally, we investigate the effectiveness of a Call Graph (CG) approach for translating very large files when doing method-level program decomposition.

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