Emergent Mind

LLM4Fuzz: Guided Fuzzing of Smart Contracts with Large Language Models

Published Jan 20, 2024 in cs.CR and cs.SE


As blockchain platforms grow exponentially, millions of lines of smart contract code are being deployed to manage extensive digital assets. However, vulnerabilities in this mission-critical code have led to significant exploitations and asset losses. Thorough automated security analysis of smart contracts is thus imperative. This paper introduces LLM4Fuzz to optimize automated smart contract security analysis by leveraging LLMs to intelligently guide and prioritize fuzzing campaigns. While traditional fuzzing suffers from low efficiency in exploring the vast state space, LLM4Fuzz employs LLMs to direct fuzzers towards high-value code regions and input sequences more likely to trigger vulnerabilities. Additionally, LLM4Fuzz can leverage LLMs to guide fuzzers based on user-defined invariants, reducing blind exploration overhead. Evaluations of LLM4Fuzz on real-world DeFi projects show substantial gains in efficiency, coverage, and vulnerability detection compared to baseline fuzzing. LLM4Fuzz also uncovered five critical vulnerabilities that can lead to a loss of more than $247k.

Workflow demonstration for Llm4Fuzz, showcasing its operations in testing and automation processes.


  • Llm4Fuzz introduces a novel approach to smart contract security by employing LLMs to guide fuzzing efforts towards discovering vulnerabilities more efficiently.

  • The tool analyzes the complexity and potential vulnerability of smart contract code, allowing for targeted fuzzing of high-risk areas and efficient sequencing of input for vulnerability detection.

  • Evaluation of Llm4Fuzz shows notable improvements in efficiency, coverage, and vulnerability detection over traditional methods, highlighting its effectiveness in securing decentralized finance (DeFi) projects.

  • Future directions include enhancing the model by incorporating multiple LLMs for better accuracy, optimizing prompt structures, and extending the approach to traditional software fuzzing.

Exploring the Frontier of Smart Contract Security with Llm4Fuzz

Introduction to Llm4Fuzz

As the deployment of smart contracts continues to proliferate on blockchain platforms, ensuring their security has never been more critical. Given the significant financial assets managed through these contracts, vulnerabilities can lead to substantial monetary losses. Traditional fuzzing techniques, while useful, often fall short in efficiently exploring the vast and complex state spaces inherent to smart contracts. To bridge this gap, the introduction of Llm4Fuzz offers a novel approach by leveraging the capabilities of LLMs to guide and prioritize fuzzing efforts.

Core Contributions

Llm4Fuzz stands out by utilizing LLMs to intelligently direct fuzzing activities towards high-value code regions and input sequences with a higher likelihood of uncovering vulnerabilities. This is achieved through several key mechanisms:

  • Complexity and Vulnerability Likelihood Metrics: LLMs are employed to ascertain the complexity and potential vulnerability of smart contract code segments. These metrics are then used to adapt the fuzzing process, ensuring more resources are allocated to exploring areas where vulnerabilities are likely to be found.
  • Invariant-Based Guidance: The tool also extends LLMs' utility to analyze user-defined invariants within the code, enabling a more targeted exploration of invariant-related code regions.
  • Efficient Sequencing of Inputs: Beyond single code regions, Llm4Fuzz capitalizes on LLMs to predict interesting sequences of function calls, streamlining the discovery of complex vulnerabilities that require specific sequences of actions to trigger.

Evaluation and Impact

Llm4Fuzz was rigorously evaluated against real-world decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and demonstrated notable improvements over baseline fuzzing approaches in terms of efficiency, coverage, and vulnerability detection. Specifically, it exhibited the capability to uncover five critical vulnerabilities across scrutinized smart contract projects, translating to a potential financial impact exceeding $247k. These outcomes highlight Llm4Fuzz's potential in significantly enhancing the security analysis of smart contracts beyond current state-of-the-art methods.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The integration of LLMs in fuzzing introduces both theoretical and practical considerations for future AI-driven security analyses. Theoretically, Llm4Fuzz presents a fresh perspective on utilizing machine learning models not just as passive analyzers but as proactive guides in the fuzzing process. Practically, by revealing vulnerabilities in live smart contracts, Llm4Fuzz underscores the tangible benefits of AI in bolstering digital asset security.

Future Directions

Looking forward, the research opens several avenues for further exploration. Enhancing Llm4Fuzz by incorporating multiple LLMs to reach a consensus on code complexity and vulnerability likelihood could yield even more accurate guidance. Additionally, optimizing prompt structures and investigating the effects of model fine-tuning specific to smart contracts are promising areas for continued innovation. Extending the approach to traditional software fuzzing also presents an exciting frontier, potentially broadening the impact of LLM-guided fuzzing across various domains.


In summary, Llm4Fuzz represents a significant advancement in the automated security analysis of smart contracts. By leveraging the nuanced understanding of code semantics provided by LLMs, it achieves a more efficient prioritization and exploration in fuzzing campaigns. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to mature, tools like Llm4Fuzz will be pivotal in ensuring the security and reliability of smart contracts, safeguarding billions of dollars in digital assets against vulnerabilities.

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