Emergent Mind


Speaker embeddings carry valuable emotion-related information, which makes them a promising resource for enhancing speech emotion recognition (SER), especially with limited labeled data. Traditionally, it has been assumed that emotion information is indirectly embedded within speaker embeddings, leading to their under-utilization. Our study reveals a direct and useful link between emotion and state-of-the-art speaker embeddings in the form of intra-speaker clusters. By conducting a thorough clustering analysis, we demonstrate that emotion information can be readily extracted from speaker embeddings. In order to leverage this information, we introduce a novel contrastive pretraining approach applied to emotion-unlabeled data for speech emotion recognition. The proposed approach involves the sampling of positive and the negative examples based on the intra-speaker clusters of speaker embeddings. The proposed strategy, which leverages extensive emotion-unlabeled data, leads to a significant improvement in SER performance, whether employed as a standalone pretraining task or integrated into a multi-task pretraining setting.

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