Emergent Mind


This paper addresses trust issues created from the ubiquity of black box algorithms and surrogate explainers in Explainable Intrusion Detection Systems (X-IDS). While Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to enhance transparency, black box surrogate explainers, such as Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanation (LIME) and SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP), are difficult to trust. The black box nature of these surrogate explainers makes the process behind explanation generation opaque and difficult to understand. To avoid this problem, one can use transparent white box algorithms such as Rule Extraction (RE). There are three types of RE algorithms: pedagogical, decompositional, and eclectic. Pedagogical methods offer fast but untrustworthy white-box explanations, while decompositional RE provides trustworthy explanations with poor scalability. This work explores eclectic rule extraction, which strikes a balance between scalability and trustworthiness. By combining techniques from pedagogical and decompositional approaches, eclectic rule extraction leverages the advantages of both, while mitigating some of their drawbacks. The proposed Hybrid X-IDS architecture features eclectic RE as a white box surrogate explainer for black box Deep Neural Networks (DNN). The presented eclectic RE algorithm extracts human-readable rules from hidden layers, facilitating explainable and trustworthy rulesets. Evaluations on UNSW-NB15 and CIC-IDS-2017 datasets demonstrate the algorithm's ability to generate rulesets with 99.9% accuracy, mimicking DNN outputs. The contributions of this work include the hybrid X-IDS architecture, the eclectic rule extraction algorithm applicable to intrusion detection datasets, and a thorough analysis of performance and explainability, demonstrating the trade-offs involved in rule extraction speed and accuracy.

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