Emergent Mind

Token Jumping in Planar Graphs has Linear Sized Kernels

Published Jan 17, 2024 in cs.DM and cs.CC


Let $G$ be a planar graph and $Is$ and $It$ be two independent sets in $G$, each of size $k$. We begin with a token'' on each vertex of $I_s$ and seek to move all tokens to $I_t$, by repeatedtoken jumping'', removing a single token from one vertex and placing it on another vertex. We require that each intermediate arrangement of tokens again specifies an independent set of size $k$. Given $G$, $Is$, and $It$, we ask whether there exists a sequence of token jumps that transforms $Is$ to $It$. When $k$ is part of the input, this problem is known to be PSPACE-complete. However, it was shown by Ito, Kami\'nski, and Ono to be fixed-parameter tractable. That is, when $k$ is fixed, the problem can be solved in time polynomial in the order of $G$. Here we strengthen the upper bound on the running time in terms of $k$ by showing that the problem has a kernel of size linear in $k$. More precisely, we transform an arbitrary input problem on a planar graph into an equivalent problem on a (planar) graph with order $O(k)$.

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