Emergent Mind


The ResNet architecture has been widely adopted in deep learning due to its significant boost to performance through the use of simple skip connections, yet the underlying mechanisms leading to its success remain largely unknown. In this paper, we conduct a thorough empirical study of the ResNet architecture in classification tasks by linearizing its constituent residual blocks using Residual Jacobians and measuring their singular value decompositions. Our measurements reveal a process called Residual Alignment (RA) characterized by four properties: (RA1) intermediate representations of a given input are equispaced on a line, embedded in high dimensional space, as observed by Gai and Zhang [2021]; (RA2) top left and right singular vectors of Residual Jacobians align with each other and across different depths; (RA3) Residual Jacobians are at most rank C for fully-connected ResNets, where C is the number of classes; and (RA4) top singular values of Residual Jacobians scale inversely with depth. RA consistently occurs in models that generalize well, in both fully-connected and convolutional architectures, across various depths and widths, for varying numbers of classes, on all tested benchmark datasets, but ceases to occur once the skip connections are removed. It also provably occurs in a novel mathematical model we propose. This phenomenon reveals a strong alignment between residual branches of a ResNet (RA2+4), imparting a highly rigid geometric structure to the intermediate representations as they progress linearly through the network (RA1) up to the final layer, where they undergo Neural Collapse.

ResNet34 intermediate representations projected, color-coded by true label, showing linear, equidistant progression and neural collapse indication.


  • This paper investigates the mechanisms behind the success of ResNet architectures, focusing on a phenomenon called Residual Alignment (RA) elucidated through Residual Jacobians and their singular value decomposition.

  • Residual Alignment is characterized by four properties related to the organization and evolution of intermediate representations in the network, contributing to models' high generalization capabilities.

  • Through experiments across various architectures, datasets, and hyperparameters, the paper provides empirical evidence for RA and presents a novel mathematical model that proves the inevitability of RA under certain conditions.

  • The findings highlight the importance of residual connections in shaping learning dynamics and open new avenues for understanding and improving deep learning models.

Exploring the Roots of ResNet's Efficacy through Residual Alignment

Introduction to Residual Alignment in ResNet Architectures

The Residual Network (ResNet) architecture, since its inception, has introduced a remarkable advancement in deep learning by incorporating skip connections. These connections have significantly improved model performance across a wide range of tasks and domains. However, the precise reasons behind the effectiveness of ResNet's design have largely remained an enigma. This paper embarks on an empirical investigation to unearth the dynamics of ResNet's residual blocks, utilizing the concept of Residual Jacobians and their singular value decomposition (SVD) to unravel a phenomenon termed as Residual Alignment (RA).

Underlying Mechanics of Residual Alignment

RA is delineated by four distinct properties that are consistently observed in models exhibiting high generalization capabilities:

  • RA1: Mirroring mathematical observations, intermediate representations form an equispaced linear arrangement in high-dimensional space.
  • RA2: Demonstrates that the top singular vectors of Residual Jacobians maintain alignment within themselves and across varying depths.
  • RA3: Posits that for fully-connected ResNets, the rank of Residual Jacobians does not surpass the number of classes.
  • RA4: Illustrates an inverse relationship between the top singular values of Residual Jacobians and the network's depth.

These properties together outline a rigid geometrical structure of the intermediate representations, emerging due to the interplay between the residual branches, that guide the representations to linearly evolve through the network, culminating in Neural Collapse at the final layer.

Empirical Validation and Theoretical Contributions

The paper substantiates RA through a comprehensive array of experiments conducted across diverse architectures, datasets, and varying hyperparameters. These include standard and simplified variants of ResNets, benchmarks from MNIST to ImageNette, and models with different depths and widths. Crucially, the paper presents a novel mathematical model proving the inevitability of RA under binary classification with cross-entropy loss, providing a theoretical backbone to the empirical observations.

Implications and Prospective Inquiries

The discovery of RA sheds light on several facets of deep learning, offering a new lens to examine generalization, the pivotal role of initial network layers, and the phenomenon of Neural Collapse. It prompts a re-evaluation of how residual connections influence learning dynamics and opens avenues for future research to explore RA in other architectures, such as Transformers, and its potential impacts on model compression and regularization techniques.

Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, this paper provides a formidable insight into the mechanics underpinning the success of ResNet architectures, through the lens of Residual Alignment. The phenomenon of RA, with its geometrical and theoretical grounding, not only demystifies aspects of ResNet's performance but also sets the stage for a deeper understanding of deep learning architectures at large. The empirical evidence alongside theoretical proofs underscores the intricate relationship between architecture, optimization, and generalization, beckoning further exploration into the fundamental constructs of neural networks.

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