Emergent Mind

Concept Alignment

Published Jan 9, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and q-bio.NC


Discussion of AI alignment (alignment between humans and AI systems) has focused on value alignment, broadly referring to creating AI systems that share human values. We argue that before we can even attempt to align values, it is imperative that AI systems and humans align the concepts they use to understand the world. We integrate ideas from philosophy, cognitive science, and deep learning to explain the need for concept alignment, not just value alignment, between humans and machines. We summarize existing accounts of how humans and machines currently learn concepts, and we outline opportunities and challenges in the path towards shared concepts. Finally, we explain how we can leverage the tools already being developed in cognitive science and AI research to accelerate progress towards concept alignment.


  • The paper introduces concept alignment in AI, advocating for systems to first understand the world through human-like concepts before aligning with human values.

  • Conceptual frameworks are important as historical scientific shifts and everyday understanding among humans show challenges in concept alignment.

  • Humans and AI learn concepts differently; humans through multifaceted experiences and AI through high-dimensional representations.

  • Multimodal learning, such as Imagen, helps AI systems develop a sensory grounding, moving them towards shared conceptual understanding with humans.

  • Achieving concept alignment requires iterative development with cognitive science input, empirical research, interactive learning, and engineering.

Understanding Concept Alignment in AI

Introduction to Concept Alignment

The field of AI aims to create systems that harmonize with human perspectives and goals. Traditionally, discussions about AI alignment have concentrated on value alignment, which broadly deals with developing AI that reflects human ethics. However, the concept of ‘value’ is intricate and varies among humans, lending to complexity in teaching AI systems to align with those values. Conversely, humans inherently possess similar conceptual frameworks that shape how they perceive the world. Thus, the paper introduces a novel approach called concept alignment, positing that AI must first understand the world through human-like concepts before seeking to share human values.

The Importance of Conceptual Frameworks

In history, the progress of science is replete with examples where conceptual misalignments led to significant paradigm shifts. For instance, the conceptual frameworks of Aristotelian and Newtonian physics were so disparate that dialogue between proponents of each was challenging. Similarly, adults and children can interpret the same scenario differently—if children lack the concept of volume, they may err in judging the quantity of liquid in differently shaped containers. This underscores the challenge in aligning concepts among humans, which is critical before expecting AI systems to align with complex human values.

Comparing Human and AI Concept Learning

Humans learn concepts and languages in an intertwined process that involves placeholder words being filled with meaning through exposure and experience. The crux of human concept learning is it results from a rich tapestry of sensory, social, and cognitive experiences. In contrast, AI systems, such as neural networks, learn concepts through representations in high-dimensional spaces, which do not map directly to human understanding. Ensuring that AI systems develop concepts in a human-like way requires innovative methods in AI research to measure and refine these representational models.

Towards Shared Conceptual Understanding

For humans to trust AI systems, the latter must demonstrate a shared conceptual understanding, going beyond mere language processing. But how can AI systems gain a human-aligned conceptual grasp? Multimodal learning has emerged as a promising area, as with models like Imagen that create visual representations from textual descriptions, adding a sensory grounding to language processing. Robots equipped with such capabilities can enrich their conceptual understanding and potentially align with human expectations.

The Road to Concept Alignment

The path to robust concept alignment between humans and machines demands an iteratively developed standard informed by cognitive science and refined through empirical research and engineering across modalities. It also requires incorporating interactive learning, where AI adapts and fine-tunes its conceptual knowledge through human interaction. The development of such sophisticated AI capabilities will pave the way for more dependable and harmonious integration of AI into human society, ensuring that when AI speaks of "apples," it conjures the same sensory-rich concept we humans do.

In summary, concept alignment is not merely a technical challenge but an interdisciplinary pursuit that stands to revolutionize the way AI systems interact and operate in our world, bridging the gap between artificial intelligence and human cognition.

Acknowledgements for this insightful work go to the collaborative efforts supported by the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute and the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The journey toward truly human-aligned AI is complex, but concept alignment marks a tangible step in the direction of deeper, more meaningful integration.

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