Emergent Mind


Readily editable mesh blendshapes have been widely used in animation pipelines, while recent advancements in neural geometry and appearance representations have enabled high-quality inverse rendering. Building upon these observations, we introduce a novel technique that reconstructs mesh-based blendshape rigs from single or sparse multi-view videos, leveraging state-of-the-art neural inverse rendering. We begin by constructing a deformation representation that parameterizes vertex displacements into differential coordinates with tetrahedral connections, allowing for high-quality vertex deformation on high-resolution meshes. By constructing a set of semantic regulations in this representation, we achieve joint optimization of blendshapes and expression coefficients. Furthermore, to enable a user-friendly multi-view setup with unsynchronized cameras, we propose a neural regressor to model time-varying motion parameters. This approach implicitly considers the time difference across multiple cameras, enhancing the accuracy of motion modeling. Experiments demonstrate that, with the flexible input of single or sparse multi-view videos, we reconstruct personalized high-fidelity blendshapes. These blendshapes are both geometrically and semantically accurate, and they are compatible with industrial animation pipelines. Code and data will be released.

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