Emergent Mind


In the rapidly evolving landscape of LLMs, most research has primarily viewed them as independent individuals, focusing on assessing their capabilities through standardized benchmarks and enhancing their general intelligence. This perspective, however, tends to overlook the vital role of LLMs as user-centric services in human-AI collaboration. This gap in research becomes increasingly critical as LLMs become more integrated into people's everyday and professional interactions. This study addresses the important need to understand user satisfaction with LLMs by exploring four key aspects: comprehending user intents, scrutinizing user experiences, addressing major user concerns about current LLM services, and charting future research paths to bolster human-AI collaborations. Our study develops a taxonomy of 7 user intents in LLM interactions, grounded in analysis of real-world user interaction logs and human verification. Subsequently, we conduct a user survey to gauge their satisfaction with LLM services, encompassing usage frequency, experiences across intents, and predominant concerns. This survey, compiling 411 anonymous responses, uncovers 11 first-hand insights into the current state of user engagement with LLMs. Based on this empirical analysis, we pinpoint 6 future research directions prioritizing the user perspective in LLM developments. This user-centered approach is essential for crafting LLMs that are not just technologically advanced but also resonate with the intricate realities of human interactions and real-world applications.

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