Emergent Mind

Differentially Private Sliced Inverse Regression: Minimax Optimality and Algorithm

Published Jan 16, 2024 in stat.ML , cs.CR , cs.LG , math.ST , and stat.TH


Privacy preservation has become a critical concern in high-dimensional data analysis due to the growing prevalence of data-driven applications. Proposed by Li (1991), sliced inverse regression has emerged as a widely utilized statistical technique for reducing covariate dimensionality while maintaining sufficient statistical information. In this paper, we propose optimally differentially private algorithms specifically designed to address privacy concerns in the context of sufficient dimension reduction. We proceed to establish lower bounds for differentially private sliced inverse regression in both the low and high-dimensional settings. Moreover, we develop differentially private algorithms that achieve the minimax lower bounds up to logarithmic factors. Through a combination of simulations and real data analysis, we illustrate the efficacy of these differentially private algorithms in safeguarding privacy while preserving vital information within the reduced dimension space. As a natural extension, we can readily offer analogous lower and upper bounds for differentially private sparse principal component analysis, a topic that may also be of potential interest to the statistical and machine learning community.

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