Emergent Mind


Model Predictive Control (MPC) can be applied to safety-critical control problems, providing closed-loop safety and performance guarantees. Implementation of MPC controllers requires solving an optimization problem at every sampling instant, which is challenging to execute on embedded hardware. To address this challenge, we propose a framework that combines a tightened soft constrained MPC formulation with supervised learning to approximate the MPC value function. This combination enables us to obtain a corresponding optimal control law, which can be implemented efficiently on embedded platforms. The framework ensures stability and constraint satisfaction for various nonlinear systems. While the design effort is similar to that of nominal MPC, the proposed formulation provides input-to-state stability (ISS) with respect to the approximation error of the value function. Furthermore, we prove that the value function corresponding to the soft constrained MPC problem is Lipschitz continuous for Lipschitz continuous systems, even if the optimal control law may be discontinuous. This serves two purposes: First, it allows to relate approximation errors to a sufficiently large constraint tightening to obtain constraint satisfaction guarantees. Second, it paves the way for an efficient supervised learning procedure to obtain a continuous value function approximation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method using a nonlinear numerical example.

Value function with two control update laws for sub-problems and overall problem solution.


  • The paper introduces a method to combine soft constrained Model Predictive Control (MPC) with supervised learning to create an efficient MPC value function approximation suitable for embedded systems, ensuring stability and constraint satisfaction.

  • It provides a thorough analysis showing the system's stability and safety through input-to-state stability (ISS) and Lipschitz continuity, allowing the control law to be implemented on hardware with limited computational resources.

  • The proposed approach is validated through a nonlinear mass-spring-damper system, demonstrating that the approximated control law performs close to the optimal MPC while maintaining computational tractability.

Learning Soft Constrained MPC Value Functions: Efficient MPC Design and Implementation providing Stability and Safety Guarantees

The paper tackles the challenge of implementing Model Predictive Control (MPC) in safety-critical control systems, particularly when computational constraints limit the deployment on embedded hardware. The authors propose a novel method to combine a tightened soft constrained MPC formulation with machine learning techniques, specifically supervised learning, to approximate the MPC value function efficiently. This approach ensures stability and constraint satisfaction, opening new avenues for deploying MPC in nonlinear systems within embedded platforms.

Key Contributions

The paper's contributions can be summarized in the following key points:

Soft Constrained MPC Formulation:

  • The paper introduces a soft constrained MPC problem that incorporates slack penalties into the objective function. This allows for preserving system stability and satisfying constraints even in the presence of disturbances or model inaccuracies.
  • The proposed formulation includes a constraint tightening factor to guarantee safety and system constraints satisfaction. This is crucial for ensuring that the system does not operate in unsafe states.

Value Function Approximation:

  • The authors use supervised learning to approximate the MPC value function. The resulting approximate control law can be implemented effectively on embedded platforms, significantly reducing computational overhead compared to solving the MPC problem online.
  • They demonstrate that the soft constrained MPC value function is Lipschitz continuous, ensuring that the approximation errors can be controlled. This result is vital because it allows relating approximation errors to constraint satisfaction guarantees.

Stability and Safety Analysis:

  • The paper provides a rigorous analysis showing input-to-state stability (ISS) concerning the approximation errors of the value function. The ISS property is a crucial element for ensuring the robustness of control laws in practical applications.
  • By leveraging the Lipschitz continuity of the approximation, the authors establish a mechanism to tighten state constraints, thereby guaranteeing closed-loop constraint satisfaction under certain conditions.

Technical Details and Implementation

MPC Background:

  • The paper starts by formalizing the MPC problem for nonlinear, discrete-time systems with polytopic state and input constraints, defining the optimization-based control law.
  • It also addresses the challenges in real-time implementation due to the computational intensity of solving the MPC problem at each sampling instant.

Incorporating Soft Constraints:

  • The authors extend traditional MPC to handle soft constraints, relaxing the state constraints and penalizing violations through slack variables. This approach uses an exact penalty method to ensure that, under normal conditions, the system's state remains within the original constraints.
  • The reformulation includes both a terminal cost and a terminal state set that may not necessarily lie within the state constraints, enhancing the feasible region and guaranteeing asymptotic stability with slack penalties.

Efficient Learning and Implementation:

  • To manage the steep curvatures in the value function approximation when soft constraints become active, the authors propose a separation technique between performance and safety value functions, efficiently handled using supervised learning frameworks.
  • They employ artificial neural networks for approximating the continuous value function, emphasizing computational efficiency for embedded system applications.

Results and Insights

The authors validate their approach through a nonlinear mass-spring-damper system example, demonstrating that the approximated control law yields results close to the optimal MPC controller while maintaining computational tractability. The numerical results also confirm the theoretical properties such as ISS and constraint satisfaction.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications:

  • This paper's framework enables deploying MPC in applications where real-time computing resources are limited, such as in automotive control systems, robotics, and power electronics.
  • The proposed method makes it feasible to leverage the benefits of MPC—robust performance and optimality—without the prohibitive computational costs typically associated with these controllers.

Theoretical Advancements:

  • Establishing that the soft constrained MPC value function is Lipschitz continuous opens new research directions for exploring other classes of systems and constraints where similar properties might hold.
  • The combination of MPC with supervised learning techniques sets a precedent for further integration of advanced machine learning methods in control theory, potentially leading to more robust, adaptive, and efficient control solutions.


The paper presents a significant advancement in the design and implementation of MPC for safety-critical systems by leveraging soft constrained formulations and supervised learning for value function approximation. The approach ensures stability and constraint satisfaction under computational limitations, thereby extending the applicability of MPC to a broader range of real-world applications. This work paves the way for future exploration into more sophisticated learning techniques and their integration with control systems design, ultimately leading to more capable and efficient embedded controllers.

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