Emergent Mind


Quantitative analysis of pseudo-diffusion in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) data shows potential for assessing fetal lung maturation and generating valuable imaging biomarkers. Yet, the clinical utility of DWI data is hindered by unavoidable fetal motion during acquisition. We present IVIM-morph, a self-supervised deep neural network model for motion-corrected quantitative analysis of DWI data using the Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) model. IVIM-morph combines two sub-networks, a registration sub-network, and an IVIM model fitting sub-network, enabling simultaneous estimation of IVIM model parameters and motion. To promote physically plausible image registration, we introduce a biophysically informed loss function that effectively balances registration and model-fitting quality. We validated the efficacy of IVIM-morph by establishing a correlation between the predicted IVIM model parameters of the lung and gestational age (GA) using fetal DWI data of 39 subjects. IVIM-morph exhibited a notably improved correlation with gestational age (GA) when performing in-vivo quantitative analysis of fetal lung DWI data during the canalicular phase. IVIM-morph shows potential in developing valuable biomarkers for non-invasive assessment of fetal lung maturity with DWI data. Moreover, its adaptability opens the door to potential applications in other clinical contexts where motion compensation is essential for quantitative DWI analysis. The IVIM-morph code is readily available at: https://github.com/TechnionComputationalMRILab/qDWI-Morph.

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