Emergent Mind

Evolving Code with A Large Language Model

Published Jan 13, 2024 in cs.NE and cs.AI


Algorithms that use LLMs to evolve code arrived on the Genetic Programming (GP) scene very recently. We present LLM GP, a formalized LLM-based evolutionary algorithm designed to evolve code. Like GP, it uses evolutionary operators, but its designs and implementations of those operators radically differ from GP's because they enlist an LLM, using prompting and the LLM's pre-trained pattern matching and sequence completion capability. We also present a demonstration-level variant of LLM GP and share its code. By addressing algorithms that range from the formal to hands-on, we cover design and LLM-usage considerations as well as the scientific challenges that arise when using an LLM for genetic programming.


  • EAs are optimization algorithms inspired by natural evolution, and LLM_GP is a new variant that uses LLMs to evolve code.

  • LLM_GP differs from traditional GP by using LLMs with tailored prompts for evolutionary operations like mutation and recombination instead of direct code manipulation.

  • LLMs' ability to process natural language and generate code patterns is fundamental to the LLM_GP approach for evolving code.

  • LLM_GP faces challenges such as the complexity of pre-training LLMs, cost, data biases, and the unpredictability of LLM outputs.

  • Despite these challenges, LLM_GP has the potential for innovating code evolution and represents an intersection between evolutionary computation and language models.

Introduction to LLM-Based Evolutionary Algorithms

Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have long been inspired by natural evolution to optimize solutions for a myriad of complex problems. However, the integration of LLMs into this process is a relatively new and innovative frontier. It is in this context that the approach designated LLMGP emerges. LLMGP represents a formal LLM-based evolutionary algorithm with a distinctive ability: it evolves code.

The LLM_GP Framework

The LLMGP system distinguishes itself from traditional genetic programming (GP) by how it employs evolutionary operators. In LLMGP, these operators do not manipulate code structures directly. Instead, they leverage the pre-trained capabilities of LLMs—through tailored prompts—to execute tasks such as initializing candidate solutions, selecting the fittest, and introducing variations such as mutations or recombinations. This is fundamentally different from the traditional GP, where the manipulation of symbolic expressions or parse trees typically takes place.

To facilitate understanding, the authors have also provided a simplified variant of LLM_GP, complete with source code, aimed at demystifying the process for researchers and practitioners eager to explore this approach.

LLMs in Evolutionary Computing

LLMs are well-suited for tasks involving natural language processing thanks to their training on vast sets of textual data. They possess an impressive ability to complete text sequences, matching patterns found in their training set. These capabilities are the cornerstone upon which LLMGP operates. It is their proficiency in generating code blocks and their pre-trained knowledge of code patterns that allow LLMs to effectively function as substitute genetic operators within LLMGP algorithms.

Current Landscape and Challenges

While LLM_GP holds promise, it does not come without its share of challenges. The intricacies of pre-training an LLM, its cost implications, and the necessity of 'prompt engineering' are just a few barriers to entry. Moreover, LLMs suffer from issues such as potential data biases, hallucinations (generation of incorrect or nonsensical content), and the general unpredictability associated with their generative nature.

Despite these hurdles, the potential of LLMGP to evolve more efficient and potentially innovative code cannot be ignored. The novel interplay between evolutionary computation principles and LLMs may yet unlock new levels of problem-solving capabilities. Going forward, it will be vital to engage rigorously with the nuanced mechanics of LLMs to maximize the effectiveness and scientific validity of LLMGP implementations.

In conclusion, LLM_GP represents a bold step towards evolving code using the intricate pattern recognition and completion capabilities inherent to LLMs. Although the approach is nascent with considerable challenges to navigate, it shines a light on the exciting crossroads of evolutionary algorithms and advanced language models, opening doors to new methods of program synthesis.

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