Emergent Mind

APLe: Token-Wise Adaptive for Multi-Modal Prompt Learning

Published Jan 12, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.CL


Pre-trained Vision-Language (V-L) models set the benchmark for generalization to downstream tasks among the noteworthy contenders. Many characteristics of the V-L model have been explored in existing research including the challenge of the sensitivity to text input and the tuning process across multi-modal prompts. With the advanced utilization of the V-L model like CLIP, recent approaches deploy learnable prompts instead of hand-craft prompts to boost the generalization performance and address the aforementioned challenges. Inspired by layer-wise training, which is wildly used in image fusion, we note that using a sequential training process to adapt different modalities branches of CLIP efficiently facilitates the improvement of generalization. In the context of addressing the multi-modal prompting challenge, we propose Token-wise Adaptive for Multi-modal Prompt Learning (APLe) for tuning both modalities prompts, vision and language, as tokens in a sequential manner. APLe addresses the challenges in V-L models to promote prompt learning across both modalities, which indicates a competitive generalization performance in line with the state-of-the-art. Preeminently, APLe shows robustness and favourable performance in prompt-length experiments with an absolute advantage in adopting the V-L models.

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