Emergent Mind


LLMs have demonstrated their ability to replicate human behaviors across a wide range of scenarios. However, their capability in handling complex, multi-character social interactions has yet to be fully explored, primarily due to the absence of robust, quantitative evaluation methods. This gap has slowed the development of agents proficient in more nuanced interactions beyond simple exchanges, for example, small talk. To address this challenge, we introduce the Multi-Agent Interaction Evaluation Framework (AntEval), encompassing a novel interaction framework and evaluation methods. The interaction framework aims to foster an complex interaction environment that bolsters information exchange and intention expression within social interactions. Furthermore, we introduce evaluation methods, including two metrics: Information Exchanging Precision (IEP) and Interaction Expressiveness Gap (IEG), designed for the quantitative and objective assessment of agents' interaction competencies. Our findings highlight the utility of these evaluative methods and show significant potential for improving LLMs' ability to construct agents that interact in a more natural manner with human-like intricacy.

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