Emergent Mind

Manipulating Feature Visualizations with Gradient Slingshots

Published Jan 11, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CV


Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are capable of learning complex and versatile representations, however, the semantic nature of the learned concepts remains unknown. A common method used to explain the concepts learned by DNNs is Activation Maximization (AM), which generates a synthetic input signal that maximally activates a particular neuron in the network. In this paper, we investigate the vulnerability of this approach to adversarial model manipulations and introduce a novel method for manipulating feature visualization without altering the model architecture or significantly impacting the model's decision-making process. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on several neural network models and demonstrate its capabilities to hide the functionality of specific neurons by masking the original explanations of neurons with chosen target explanations during model auditing. As a remedy, we propose a protective measure against such manipulations and provide quantitative evidence which substantiates our findings.


  • The paper presents a novel adversarial technique named Gradient Slingshot (GS) for manipulating the visualizations produced by Activation Maximization (AM) in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), which can create a false understanding of what features the model is detecting.

  • GS aims to preserve the DNN's performance and architecture while specifically targeting AM visualizations for manipulation without adjusting the model architecture.

  • Experiments with GS manipulation on datasets, including MNIST and CIFAR-10, demonstrate that it is possible to alter how AM interprets and displays the features learned by neurons, especially in larger, more complex DNNs.

  • The authors propose defense mechanisms against GS manipulation, e.g., gradient clipping and transformation robustness, and assess their effectiveness.

  • The paper exposes vulnerabilities in AM-based explanations and the need for more robust evaluation methods, suggesting future work to enhance the security and reliability of model interpretations.


In light of the pervasive deployment of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in various sectors, understanding the internal logic of these models is of paramount importance. Activation Maximization (AM) is a widely recognized technique to visualize the activation of individual neurons, giving insights into what features a DNN has learned to detect. Nonetheless, insights from AM have uncovered biases and spurious correlations learned from datasets. Thus, while explanations such as AM hold promise in enhancing model transparency, their reliability and security are crucial, especially in the context of adversarial manipulations aimed at misleading the interpretation processes.

Manipulation of Activation Maximization

The paper under scrutiny explore the robustness of AM by presenting the Gradient Slingshot (GS) method, a procedure capable of misleading AM visualizations. The authors argue that past attempts at manipulating AM explanations have focused on adjusting model architectures, which can be easily noticed during model inspection. The GS method, however, is novel in that it aims to preserve the model's performance and architecture while altering the AM visualizations.

Theoretical underpinnings show that by fine-tuning the neuron's function within a constrained subset of the input space, it's possible to control the AM explanations. This technique hinges on understanding the initialization distribution and the inclusion of a manipulation loss term in the training process. The manipulated neuron thus produces a forged activation pattern during the AM process while retaining its general behavior elsewhere, paving the way for potential misuse in model auditing environments.

Evaluation and Defense Measures

The authors conducted an extensive evaluation, including experiments with pixel-AM and Feature Visualization (FV) on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. The findings suggest that the manipulation of the AM process can indeed obscure or alter the visualization of learned features. Concerningly, the effectiveness of such manipulation revealed a correlation with the increase in the number of model parameters, deepening the threat in larger, more complex DNNs.

In addressing the vulnerability they expose, the authors propose multiple defensive strategies. These include gradient clipping, transformation robustness, changing optimization algorithms, and evaluating on natural Activation Maximization signals (n-AMS). Empirical tests of these defense mechanisms showed variable effectiveness, with transformation robustness emerging as the most effective single technique.

Implications and Conclusions

The disclosed manipulation method has profound implications for the perceived reliability of AM-based explanations. Researchers and practitioners should be cognizant of the potential for adversarial attacks on explanation methods and approach the interpretation with due diligence.

In conclusion, while the GS method imposes a significant challenge to the confidence in AM visualizations, it also propels the necessity for more rigorous evaluation and verification techniques in model explanations. As this paper sets the foundation for such critical assessments, future work is directed toward enhancing the defensibility of AM methods and developing more sophisticated techniques to detect when explanations have been compromised.

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