Emergent Mind

Attention to detail: inter-resolution knowledge distillation

Published Jan 11, 2024 in cs.CV


The development of computer vision solutions for gigapixel images in digital pathology is hampered by significant computational limitations due to the large size of whole slide images. In particular, digitizing biopsies at high resolutions is a time-consuming process, which is necessary due to the worsening results from the decrease in image detail. To alleviate this issue, recent literature has proposed using knowledge distillation to enhance the model performance at reduced image resolutions. In particular, soft labels and features extracted at the highest magnification level are distilled into a model that takes lower-magnification images as input. However, this approach fails to transfer knowledge about the most discriminative image regions in the classification process, which may be lost when the resolution is decreased. In this work, we propose to distill this information by incorporating attention maps during training. In particular, our formulation leverages saliency maps of the target class via grad-CAMs, which guides the lower-resolution Student model to match the Teacher distribution by minimizing the l2 distance between them. Comprehensive experiments on prostate histology image grading demonstrate that the proposed approach substantially improves the model performance across different image resolutions compared to previous literature.

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