Emergent Mind


Transfer learning (TL) is an increasingly popular approach to training deep learning (DL) models that leverages the knowledge gained by training a foundation model on diverse, large-scale datasets for use on downstream tasks where less domain- or task-specific data is available. The literature is rich with TL techniques and applications; however, the bulk of the research makes use of deterministic DL models which are often uncalibrated and lack the ability to communicate a measure of epistemic (model) uncertainty in prediction. Unlike their deterministic counterparts, Bayesian DL (BDL) models are often well-calibrated, provide access to epistemic uncertainty for a prediction, and are capable of achieving competitive predictive performance. In this study, we propose variational inference pre-trained audio neural networks (VI-PANNs). VI-PANNs are a variational inference variant of the popular ResNet-54 architecture which are pre-trained on AudioSet, a large-scale audio event detection dataset. We evaluate the quality of the resulting uncertainty when transferring knowledge from VI-PANNs to other downstream acoustic classification tasks using the ESC-50, UrbanSound8K, and DCASE2013 datasets. We demonstrate, for the first time, that it is possible to transfer calibrated uncertainty information along with knowledge from upstream tasks to enhance a model's capability to perform downstream tasks.

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