Emergent Mind


In two-time-scale stochastic approximation (SA), two iterates are updated at varying speeds using different step sizes, with each update influencing the other. Previous studies in linear two-time-scale SA have found that the convergence rates of the mean-square errors for these updates are dependent solely on their respective step sizes, leading to what is referred to as decoupled convergence. However, the possibility of achieving this decoupled convergence in nonlinear SA remains less understood. Our research explores the potential for finite-time decoupled convergence in nonlinear two-time-scale SA. We find that under a weaker Lipschitz condition, traditional analyses are insufficient for achieving decoupled convergence. This finding is further numerically supported by a counterexample. But by introducing an additional condition of nested local linearity, we show that decoupled convergence is still feasible, contingent on the appropriate choice of step sizes associated with smoothness parameters. Our analysis depends on a refined characterization of the matrix cross term between the two iterates and utilizes fourth-order moments to control higher-order approximation errors induced by the local linearity assumption.

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