Emergent Mind

Adaptive Experimental Design for Policy Learning

Published Jan 8, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , econ.EM , stat.ME , and stat.ML


Evidence-based targeting has been a topic of growing interest among the practitioners of policy and business. Formulating decision-maker's policy learning as a fixed-budget best arm identification (BAI) problem with contextual information, we study an optimal adaptive experimental design for policy learning with multiple treatment arms. In the sampling stage, the planner assigns treatment arms adaptively over sequentially arriving experimental units upon observing their contextual information (covariates). After the experiment, the planner recommends an individualized assignment rule to the population. Setting the worst-case expected regret as the performance criterion of adaptive sampling and recommended policies, we derive its asymptotic lower bounds, and propose a strategy, Adaptive Sampling-Policy Learning strategy (PLAS), whose leading factor of the regret upper bound aligns with the lower bound as the size of experimental units increases.

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