Emergent Mind

AFSPP: Agent Framework for Shaping Preference and Personality with Large Language Models

Published Jan 5, 2024 in cs.MA , cs.AI , and cs.CL


The evolution of LLMs has introduced a new paradigm for investigating human behavior emulation. Recent research has employed LLM-based Agents to create a sociological research environment, in which agents exhibit behavior based on the unfiltered characteristics of LLMs. However, these studies overlook the iterative development within a human-like setting - Human preferences and personalities are complex, shaped by various factors and subject to ongoing change as a result of environmental and subjective influences. In light of this observation, we propose Agent Framework for Shaping Preference and Personality (AFSPP), exploring the multifaceted impact of social networks and subjective consciousness on LLM-based Agents' preference and personality formation. With AFSPP, we have, for the first time, successfully replicated several key findings from human personality experiments. And other AFSPP-based experimental results indicate that plan making, sensory perceptions and social networking with subjective information, wield the most pronounced influence on preference shaping. AFSPP can significantly enhance the efficiency and scope of psychological experiments, while yielding valuable insights for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence research for strategies to prevent undesirable preference and personality development.

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