Emergent Mind


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are commonly utilized in military applications for automatic target recognition (ATR). Machine learning (ML) methods, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Graph Neural Networks (GNN), are frequently used to identify ground-based objects, including battle tanks, personnel carriers, and missile launchers. Determining the vehicle class, such as the BRDM2 tank, BMP2 tank, BTR60 tank, and BTR70 tank, is crucial, as it can help determine whether the target object is an ally or an enemy. While the ML algorithm provides feedback on the recognized target, the final decision is left to the commanding officers. Therefore, providing detailed information alongside the identified target can significantly impact their actions. This detailed information includes the SAR image features that contributed to the classification, the classification confidence, and the probability of the identified object being classified as a different object type or class. We propose a GNN-based ATR framework that provides the final classified class and outputs the detailed information mentioned above. This is the first study to provide a detailed analysis of the classification class, making final decisions more straightforward. Moreover, our GNN framework achieves an overall accuracy of 99.2\% when evaluated on the MSTAR dataset, improving over previous state-of-the-art GNN methods.

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