Emergent Mind


One of the primary impediments hindering the widespread acceptance of autonomous vehicles (AVs) among pedestrians is their limited comprehension of AVs. This study employs virtual reality (VR) to provide pedestrians with an immersive environment for engaging with and comprehending AVs during unmarked midblock multilane crossings. Diverse AV driving behaviors were modeled to exhibit negotiation behavior with a yellow signal indication or non-yielding behavior with a blue signal indication. This paper aims to investigate the impact of various factors, such as AV behavior and signaling, pedestrian past behavior, etc., on pedestrians' perception change of AVs. Before and after the VR experiment, participants completed surveys assessing their perception of AVs, focusing on two main aspects: "Attitude" and "System Effectiveness." The Wilcoxon signed-rank test results demonstrated that both pedestrians' overall attitude score toward AVs and trust in the effectiveness of AV systems significantly increased following the VR experiment. Notably, individuals who exhibited a greater trust in the yellow signals were more inclined to display a higher attitude score toward AVs and to augment their trust in the effectiveness of AV systems. This indicates that the design of the yellow signal instills pedestrians with greater confidence in their interactions with AVs. Further, pedestrians who exhibit more aggressive crossing behavior are less likely to change their perception towards AVs as compared to those pedestrians with more positive crossing behaviors. It is concluded that integrating this paper's devised AV behavior and signaling within an immersive VR setting facilitated pedestrian engagement with AVs, thereby changing their perception of AVs.

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