Emergent Mind

Teaching with a companion: the case of gravity

Published Jan 3, 2024 in cs.GR and cs.HC


Virtual Reality (VR) has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in student learning. However, despite its benefits, the student equipped with a personal headset remains isolated from the real world while immersed in a virtual space and the classic student-teacher model of learning is difficult to transpose in such a situation. This study aims to bring the teacher back into the learning process when students use a VR headset. We describe the benefits of using a companion for educational purposes, taking as a test case the concept of gravity. We present an experimental setup designed to compare three different teaching contexts: with a physically present real teacher, using a live video of the teacher, and with a VR avatar of the teacher. We designed and evaluated three scenarios to teach the concept of gravity: an introduction to the concept of free fall, a parabolic trajectory workshop and a final exercise combining both approaches. Due to sanitary conditions, only pre-tests are reported. The results showed that the effectiveness of using the VR simulations for learning and the self-confidence level of the students increased as well. The interviews show that the students ranked the teaching modes in this order: VR companion mode, video communication and real teacher.

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