Emergent Mind

De-Confusing Pseudo-Labels in Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Published Jan 3, 2024 in cs.CV


Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) aims to adapt a source-trained model to an unlabeled target domain without access to the source data. SFDA has attracted growing attention in recent years, where existing approaches focus on self-training that usually includes pseudo-labeling techniques. In this paper, we introduce a novel noise-learning approach tailored to address noise distribution in domain adaptation settings and learn to de-confuse the pseudo-labels. More specifically, we learn a noise transition matrix of the pseudo-labels to capture the label corruption of each class and learn the underlying true label distribution. Estimating the noise transition matrix enables a better true class-posterior estimation, resulting in better prediction accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach when combined with several SFDA methods: SHOT, SHOT++, and AaD. We obtain state-of-the-art results on three domain adaptation datasets: VisDA, DomainNet, and OfficeHome.

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